It’s a bit like archery…

Some say you can move forward even if you don’t know where the road you are on will lead you. And it’s true. Moving forward without knowing where you will end up is what Faith looks like in action- “the assurance of things yet unknown, the hope of things yet unseen. “ Hebrews 11:1

Yet it should be argued that unless we know where we are trying to get to, or at least have an idea, we don’t know what direction to take. And a million steps in the wrong direction, is a million extra steps you have to take on the way back to where you started, all to then start again and try a different path.

Moving forward with no direction at all though (no vision or example), is very different from moving forward in a solid direction (towards that goal) but without knowing where precisely you will end up. Fortunately, God knows, so you can carry on without knowing exactly what the arrival destination will be like. And, there are others who have walked the road before you… they were once exactly where you were too, wherever that is.

But is it, in fact, possible to have both? Faith that Our Father, through the Holy Spirit (and often through others put in your life to hold your hand while you weather the storm) will lead us when we are weak and uncertain, frightened and alone, but also direction so we at least know which way to face as be begin our journey?

Yes, and we should have both.

When it comes to our bodies, our identity, our careers, our relationships, our health, and, well, pretty much any area of our life that isn’t going quite right, far too often we know something is wrong, but we don’t know what it is, and we don’t have a clear idea (if any at all) about what should be different. All we know is that something isn’t right.

Sometimes this is enough to spark some action or intention, and maybe we even know the road ahead will be difficult but we have FAITH that Jesus will hold our hand or even carry us along the way. But getting to where we need from a certain place of fear and insecurity, no matter the level of intention or belief that it can happen, is impossible if it lacks the direction.  Recovery from any kind of enslavement, or even simply a change in life, is a bit like a vector in physics. Let me explain…

Definition of vector: a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude.

Just think about that for a moment. You can’t get anywhere unless you have 1) magnitude and 2) direction. A good example is archery- the arrow needs velocity provided by pulling the string on the arrow to create and release tension, but it also requires a good aim to get anywhere near the target!

Magnitude in the case of recovery or change equates to a unique combination of Faith, Trust, Energy, Motivation, Intention, Tools, Support, and any other arrows in one’s quiver. As a rule, the greater the amount of any single element of magnitude, the greater the overall magnitude and length, or distance, that can be covered. This said, no amount of magnitude can overpower God’s Will if He has different plans in mind for us.  Without God’s Will involved and His strength ultimately driving the development of the various elements of magnitude we need for momentum, we will never have enough magnitude to get very far. Perhaps this is His built-in protection mechanism, keeping bad things from succeeding in the long run? (Did your dieting get you the happiness you wanted? The job? The companionship? Did running all those miles really bring you the peace you were after in the long run?)

When it came to overcoming disordered eating that had governed and orchestrated my life for over 24 years, I knew I had a LOT of distance to cover to get to a place of peace and wholeness again. I would need a lot of magnitude, but also a lot of direction. Otherwise I was going to stay directionless and in the same spot. A point, not a vector. And a point does not change, nor does it go anywhere, which is obviously not conducive to hitting a target! (Anyone ever read Flatland?)

Let’s cycle back around to the discussion about knowing that something is just not right.

Direction presumes that the activity is coming from a particular place and headed towards something. A destination. A goal. An endpoint. We seek God’s direction, as is exemplified and instructed throughout scripture. And we ask for help from those who have travelled along the road before us. We may even do so quite fervently and with good intention, as we know He knows the plan and where our life is to end up. If we were left to decide on our own, well… you’ve likely gone down that road before. (Have you learned it doesn’t work yet? Maybe you are working through those millions steps back to where you started?)

Without God giving us His all-knowing capabilities, though, which scripture makes pretty clear He is not going to do, the only way he can give us direction is to provide “mid-way” destinations- “God’s mini goals” if you like. Though God will not show you the end result, as He is the only All-Knowing, we are to rest in His promise in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Knowing that God is omniscient should allow us to trust His will, His Word, and His timing. Though we don't know all the answers, God does.

Bit by bit, we gather and launch arrows of magnitude (courage, support, examples, determination, tools, energy, coaches or other mentors), pointing towards that which is better, to span the distance between here and now, and as far as we can possibly get towards a life of freedom, peace with food and our bodies, and wholeness, inside and out. Mistakes will be made, potholes line the path. You may stray north a bit on your journey east, and a storm may disorient you, causing you to cross back on your paths a bit. Setbacks are inevitable, but with encouragement and examples, motivation and accountability, you can stay on a general course towards your goals.

But here’s the thing. (And I’m really grateful for this thing!) Like in math, vectors actually add up. This is great news! It means that, even with some changing temporary directions, having to start again from new points and reorient, and some vectors not covering much ground, if you keep moving forward to create magnitude, and seek direction, you WILL get there.

The intersection of intention and action into recovery is where the rubber meets the road. It happens when magnitude is combined with direction, and a vector of change is born. Faith, hope, love, support- all the elements of magnitude- fuel action towards God’s mini-goals in a given direction, based on where you are at, and where He ultimately desires for you to end up.  

If you’d like to have me as an arrow in your quiver, reach out and let’s talk!


A perception of lack.


A prison that opens from the inside.